Beautiful pics of Alina Zagitova feet and legs

Alina Ilnazovna Zagitova is a Russian figure skater from Russia. She was in the 2017--18 Grand Prix Final, is the Russian National Champion for 2018, as well as the Olympic champion in 2018. Alina Zagitova is among the best Russian figure skaters. It is the nation's only athlete to achieve Olympic gold in addition to at the World Figure Skating Championships. This is a completely different view for the gold medallist at PyeongChang 2018. The 2018 winner at 19 has transitioned away from the sport, taking on roles such as a TV presenter and journalist, even though she's not yet officially withdrawn from the sport of competitive skating. Tutberidze was a trainer for numerous top skaters, including 2018 Olympic champ Alina Ziagitova, and gold medallist Anna Shcherbakova in 2022. She's the only Russian female figure skater who has won gold medals at the Olympics, world figure skating Champtionships, European Championships and Grand Prix Final, and she's the first Muslim athlete to earn an Olympic gold, world title and a Super Slam. Kamila Valerieva, the Russian world champion figure skater wept after delivering an impressive performance during the brief program for women during her debut appearance following the controversy surrounding the doping decision that allowed her to take part in the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing in 2022.

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